Job Opportunity: YVC is looking for a Consultant on Formal Writing
By YVC Secretariat – Saturday, January 22, 2021
Terms of Reference
Project-based Consultancy for the Formal Writing LM (Learning Materials)
1. Background
Youth Voices Count (YVC) is a regional network of young LGBTQ+ people in Asia and the Pacific. Our over 300 members are spread across 22 countries in the region. Our strategic objectives include advocating for youth-friendly health services, advocating for improved mental health among young LGBTQ+ people, advocating for education and employment setting for young LGBTQ+ people, and monitoring global commitments made to young people.
At present, YVC is strengthening its organizational structure, systems, and processes as a fully functional non-profit organization based in Iloilo City, Philippines. Currently, our team is seeking applications for a project-based consultancy for the development of learning materials for a project funded by the Human Rights Campaign that aims to provide knowledge and technical assistance on formal writing for LGBTIQ individuals in Asia-Pacific.
2. Scope of Work
The timeline of this role will run for three months starting February 2022. The consultant shall be assigned the following:
- Draft and create youth-friendly content for learning materials on formal writing targeted to grassroots NGOs
- Regular consultation with the animation team to align the videos with the learning material by providing feedback via email (or other preferred communication channels) and by giving the final approval of the videos
- Provide insights on the e-course containing the delivered learning material and videos
3. Qualifications
- A degree on English/Linguistics/Language or a degree within a similar field
- Experience working with NGOs or community-based projects
- Preferably below the age of 30
- Preferably based in the PH (applicants from other countries in AP are welcome to apply)
4. Application Requirements
- Kindly email the following to secretariat@learninghub.yvc-asiapacific.org with the email subject as “Application for FW Consultancy”:
- Up-to-date CV of the consultant
- Sample outputs re teaching formal writing
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