Job Opportunity: YVC is looking for a Project Officer
By YVC Secretariat – Friday, June 12, 2020
Terms of Reference
Project Officer
1. Background
Youth Voices Count (YVC) is a regional network of young LGBTQ+ people in Asia and the Pacific. Our over 300 members are spread across 22 countries in the region. Our strategic objectives include advocating for youth-friendly health services, advocating for improved mental health among young LGBTQ+ people, advocating for education and employment setting for young LGBTQ+ people and monitoring global commitments made to young people.
At present, YVC is strengthening its organizational structure, systems, and processes as a fully functional non-profit organization based in Iloilo City, Philippines. Currently, YVC is seeking applications for a Project Officer (Part-Time) to support YVC’s membership processes and grant applications.
2. Scope of Work
The Project Officer shall be assigned tasks within the following:
- Lead YVC Secretariat’s grant applications. The Project Officer shall take the lead in securing grants for the continued operations of YVC. This includes identifying potential donors and funders, preparing applications to these grants, coordinating with YVC members on funding concerns and opportunities, and managing other funding opportunities.
- Maintain YVC’s membership logs. This includes the following:
Regularly update YVC member’s information sheet, as needed;
Maintain membership log in YVC’s Facebook Group, Emailing List, and other platforms where YVC members have a presence;
Support the processing of new membership applications, and provide input and recommendations to improve this process;
Regularly communicate with members particularly concerning grant applications and funding opportunities.
3. YVC Representation. The Project Officer will represent YVC in the various international
platforms and membership that the network holds. These include: Youth PACT, CIVICUS,
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Association (ILGA Asia),
and the Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations (IATT).
3. Reporting
The Project Officer shall:
- Report directly to the YVC Executive Director, who shall assign tasks according to the Scope of Work provided.
- Provide a timeline of their tasks, especially for tasks concerning grant applications and membership maintenance.
- Provide updates to the YVC Executive Director on their assigned tasks. These updates shall be done on a weekly basis, through whatever communication medium (e.g. email, online meeting, etc.) agreed upon by both.
- Provide, in coordination with the YVC Executive Director, updates to the governance bodies of YVC (i.e. Regional Board, Core Working Group). These updates shall be done on a quarterly basis, through whatever communication medium (e.g. email, online meeting, etc.) deemed appropriate.
4. Working Hours
- This is a part-time position. The Project Officer shall coordinate with the YVC Secretariat regarding their working schedules. This schedule shall not exceed twenty (20) hours weekly.
- The Project Officer and the YVC Secretariat shall agree on a daily schedule when they can be contacted for work-related matters.
- The Project Officer shall not be required to report to the YVC Secretariat office due to the ongoing situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and must inform the YVC Executive Director of any concerns which may arise in relation to this.
- The Project Officer shall not be expected to respond to work-related communications on weekends, or on hours outside the daily schedules agreed upon.
5. Compensation and Coverage
Salary: USD500.00/month
Period: six (6) month/s
Status: Part-Time
- This position is open to young LGBTIQ human rights defenders based in the Asia-Pacific region.
- YVC is not in a position to provide a relocation package.
- YVC is an Equal Opportunity employer. Applicants are chosen on the basis of ability without regard to ethnic or indigenous identity, religion, national origin, disability, marital status or sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Salary is negotiable, subject to strength of application.
- Position may be extended, subject to availability of funding and quality of deliverables.
6. Application Requirements
- Updated CV with character references,
- A completed short questionnaire (see attached).
- A sample of any written work (e.g. research, news articles, blogs, etc.) in English.
Please submit all requirements via email to secretariat@learninghub.yvc-asiapacific.org with the subject header: YVC_Project_Officer_2020_application_[your last name].
Applications must be submitted on or before 19/JULY/2020. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted between 27/JULY and 31/JULY for interviews and final vetting.
SHORT QUESTIONNAIRE (Please include this in email)
- Name:
- Home Address:
- Primary Email Address:
- Contact Number:
- Answers to the following questions:
- What are some of your previous experiences of working with and LGBTIQ organization in terms of grant application and project management? [maximum 100 words]
- What are some of your motivations of working with Youth Voices Count as Project Officer? [maximum 100 words]
- Describe some of your strengths/achievements/additional qualifications that might not have been mentioned in your CV? [maximum 100 words]
- What, would you say, is the primary goal or objective that you would like to achieve as you work alongside the secretariat of Youth Voices Count? [maximum 50 words]
- How best can Youth Voices Count contribute to LGBTIQ activism in the Asia Pacific region? [maximum 50 words]
- What are some of your previous experiences of working with and LGBTIQ organization in terms of grant application and project management? [maximum 100 words]
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