#CopingWithCOVID: Resource List of LGBTIQ Organizations and Helplines
By YVC Secretariat – Friday, May 8, 2020
On May 6th, 2020, Youth Voices Count in partnership with the UNICEF East Asia & Pacific Regional Organization, United Nations Youth Envoy, and World Health Organization organized the regional dialogue #CopingWithCOVID: Sexual and Gender Minorities in Asia.
As COVID-19 has exacerbated pre-existing systematic and structural discrimination and oppression of LGBTIQ populations, mental health has become a highlighted matter in the region. This includes concerns on personal mental health alongside the reality of at-home discrimination and domestic violence. Mental health services have also become inaccessible and unavailable because of lockdown and quarantine measures. With this ongoing issue, we have compiled a list of LGBTIQ-friendly resources of organizations, shelters, and facilities with their respective websites and/or hotlines that can be reached by LGBTIQ individuals in their respective countries.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive and will continuously be updated in the coming weeks. If you would like to have your organization or initiative listed here, you can email us at secretariat@learninghub.yvc-asiapacific.org.
Country |
Name of Organization /
Initiative |
Website |
Hotline Number |
Cambodia |
(+855) 23 211 505 |
China |
Common language (同语) |
(淡蓝公益) |
http://danlan.org |
PFLAG China |
(+86) 4000–820–211 |
Taiwan SAR |
Taiwan Tongzhi
Hotline Association |
(+886) 02 2392 197 (+886) 07 281 1823 |
Hong Kong SAR |
Rainbow of Hong Kong |
(+852) 8108 1069 |
Queer Sisters |
(+852) 9260 8191 |
Transgender Resource Centre |
https://tgr.org.hk/index.php/en/ |
(+852) 8203 2100 |
Indonesia |
Into the Light |
Temanteman.org |
Arus Pelangi |
https://www.facebook.com/aruspelangi.org/ |
(+62) 878 8076 81166 |
India |
DeQh |
(+91) 908 367 3374 |
One Future Collective |
(+91) 908 230 1339 |
Laos |
Proud to be Us |
LGBTQ Equality Laos |
(+856) 20 55 544 507 |
Malaysia |
PT Foundation |
+60 (03) 4044 5455 |
KitaConnect (UNICEF) |
https://t.me/kitaconnectbot |
Queer Lapis |
Befrienders |
03 7627 2929 |
Mongolia |
LGBT Centre |
976 9515 927 |
Philippines |
National hotline |
888 843 4564 |
Galang |
Lunas Collective |
Myanmar |
Colors Rainbow |
PFLAG Myanmar Hotline |
(+95) 9 330 35068 |
&Proud |
Fiji |
Rainbow Pride Foundation |
Thailand |
Government Mental Health
Hotline |
1323 |
Thai Transgender Alliance |
Guide for LGBTIQ Covid19 |
http://thaitga.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID19-safety-Guide-for-LGBT.pdf (Please click
for list of organizations throughout Thailand) |
Prism Chat |
Timor Leste |
Vietnam |
84 82 253 2084 |
Lighthouse |
Men’s Health Clinic |
+84 0902 353 353 |
Singapore |
Samaritans of Singapore
(LGBT-friendly) |
https://www.sos.org.sg/ |
1800 221 4444 |
Oogachaga |
+65 6226 2002 |
Brave Spaces (for LBTQI
women) |
+65 8788 8817 |
Sexual Assault Care Centre |
+65 6779 0282 |
Alicia Community Centre (for
transgender people) |
Project X (for sex workers) |
+65 9060 9906 |
Sayoni |
(+65) 87788 8817 |
Name |
Link |
The First 100 Days of the
COVID-19 Outbreak in Asia and the Pacific: A Gender Lens |
COVID-19 Situation Report
No. 1 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific |
https://www.unfpa.org/resources/covid-19-situation-report-no-1-unfpa-asia-and-pacific |
Statement by the UN Working
Group on discrimination against women and girls* Responses to the COVID-19
pandemic must not discount women and girls |
https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25808&LangID=E |
UNHCR COVID-19 Guidance |
https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/COVID19Guidance.aspx |
Protecting human rights
amid COVID-19 crisis |
Supporting transgender
people during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Joint statement on LGBTIQA
youth in quarantine |
COVID-19: Rights experts
highlight LGBTI discrimination, antisemitism |
COVID-19 and Digital
Security: How LGBTI Activists Can Safely Work Online |
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